Sponsors Make it happen
Our Partners
Becoming a sponsor
Nordic PGDay 2014 is a perfect opportunity to reach the open source database community in Northern Europe, or just help out a bit by giving back to the community for all the hard work invested in making PostgreSQL the most advanced open-source database in the world. We are offering two levels for sponsors each with a package tailored for different reach and visibility.
Contact us at sponsors@nordicpgday.org for more information. We look forward to working with you!

Supporter is the ideal level for showing your support to the community.
€ 400
- Logo on the website
- One free entry

Partner Sold out
This is the level offering maximum visibility. Partners can also choose to add additional packages such as sponsoring a coffee break or lunch (details decided later).
€ 1200
- Logo on the website
- Introduction on the website
- Mention in opening/closing statement
- Signage/rollup
- Shared exhibition stand
- Logo on badges
- List of attendees
- Two free entries
- Limited to 5 sponsors
Only attendees that have agreed to share their contact details when signing up are included.